


Scientific and Technical Journal


International Centre of Science & Technologies (ICST) «TUMA Group» LLC

ISSN 2224-9656

Scientific and technical journal «Industrial Services» is a successor of the journal «Theoretical and Applied Problems of Service», which has been published since 2001. In the journal «Industrial Services» research, achievements and future considerations in area of industrial services, information technologies and project management are considered and analyzed. Service technological, technical, financial, information and regulatory scientific and applied developments are concerned.

The Journal is devoted to advanced developments in area of service technologies in different sectors of national economy, repair, technical maintenance, industrial facilities safe operation, as well as works and services quality problems.

Problems of diagnostics, assessment, nondestructive testing methods, industrial and fire safety are dealt with in the Journal. A great attention is paid to problems of conformity assessment, standardizing and certification. Information on technical regulation problems, changes in legislation in area of hazardous industrial facilities operation and product quality assurance is regularly published.

Materials, concerned with new laboratory equipment, testing methods, new gage devices development and also metrology are presented.

The priority in the Journal is given to information technologies, enterprise management and industrial facilities automation.

Alongside with those above, problems of energetic and technology audit, methods of equipment corrosion prevention, energy and resource conservation, labor and environmental protection are dealt with. Actual data on industrial Russian and foreign experience are published.

A special part of the Journal is devoted to problems of training and retraining of specialists, modern training systems development, up-to-date information technologies application in educational process.




